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Threadtitel: FASST EUCH im Titel KURZ! Dein Name reicht aus. Danke.
Thread-Title: Please hold the title short! Your name is enough. Thanks
nie anwesende Drecksmade
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 17 Sep 2023 22:02
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Wohnort: Colorado


Beitrag von Verrukr »


My name is Brian and I'm 43 years old, living in Colorado U.S.A. I just recently found out about Epic Empires/ConQuest events and then found the ork camps... and got hooked! I have never larped before, but I am excited to get involved and start portraying an ork character. Still flushing out the character I want to make and then will start on a costume. Looking forward to sharing that journey and getting feedback from all the veterans here, as well as diving into all the information this site has to offer.

Would like to be able to make it to an event next year! Can't wait to learn from you all!
geselliger Ork
geselliger Ork
Beiträge: 125
Registriert: 06 Nov 2017 19:30

Re: Brian

Beitrag von Rakischa »

Hey Brian,
welcome in the dirt ;)
Did you get started yet?

Any contacts made?

Greetings :)
Beiträge: 1024
Registriert: 25 Dez 2008 15:38

Re: Brian

Beitrag von Knarack »

Hey Brian,

ups, haven't seen this. I'm currently living in New Mexico, Los Alamos, which is well kind of close I guess. I have been already on several Epic Empires and Drachenfest events, so if you at some point need hands on assistance or tipps let me know ;). Denver has a direct flight connection to Frankfurt, which I'm currently consider for a visit of the epic empires. But best check out the discord orklager channel. currently the most folks are active there.

best wishes

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